This may seem weird, but it is reassuring and empowering and may be just the information that you need.Your vulva - that's the external area which includes your labia, as opposed to the vagina where you can only see the entrance - can develop soreness, lumps and bumps. You can also ask your gyno to show you what they see by holding a mirror for you. You can ask them to clarify what they see and what they say. Since it appears that you have no other symptoms, you can either wait until your next gyno appointment, or you can schedule one now if you need reassurance. You cannot see all of those inside secrets, so what you see is likely your own natural color. Your gyno could be describing your inner vagina, your vaginal barrel, or even your cervix as healthy and pink. It is likely that this is a misunderstanding. In rare cases, a color change of the vulva could indicate a more serious disease.
Swollen vag inside pregnancy skin#
In general, bumps, redness, rashes, itching, lumps, and lesions on the vulva, accompanied by reddish or purplish skin, are usually the result of skin irritation, infection, or are caused by environmental factors. If a woman's body is sensitive to these products, chronic irritation could develop. Irritants that sometimes lead to Lichen Simplex include detergents, soaps, lotions, scented tampons and pads, douches, colored and perfumed toilet paper, certain contraceptives, and synthetic fabrics.

Mild to severe itching and burning of the vulva.Along with a change to dusky red or purple-looking vulva, signs and symptoms of Lichen Simplex include: Lichen Simplex is a dermatologic condition when the vulvar skin is sensitive and irritated over a period of weeks or months. You can check out What is bacterial vaginosis? to see if any signs or symptoms related to a vaginal yeast infection are present. A yeast infection frequently changes the vulva from a pale pink to a red, although not necessarily purple. Colors change from pinks to reds and from reds to wine or burgundy (Similarly, the male erection is the result of increased blood flow to the penis.) After a woman orgasms or when she is no longer aroused, her regular color returns, since flow of blood leaves the vulva and returns to the rest of the body.Ī chronic purple color could be caused by a yeast infection or chronic irritation of the vulva, known as Lichen Simplex. In a woman, the increased blood flow causes not only lubrication, the first sign that a woman is aroused, but also a swelling and deepening of color to her clitoris and inner lips. When a woman is sexually aroused, the body's first response is to increase blood flow to the genitals. The first explanation is that what you are experiencing is typical. The labia majora and labia minora, the outer and inner "lips," join at and cover the clitoris, which is a woman's "hot button" located above the vaginal opening and below the pubic bone and mons. A woman's vulva is the outer part of a woman's genitals that can been seen.